Charlotte: A Queen and more…

It’s been a while since I last wrote anything by hand (although I am technically writing now, just not with a pen).

I have exams starting on monday, but with the release of Queen Charlotte:A Bridgerton story, I couldn’t resist not watching it immediately and oh boy, am I glad I did.

The love story of Queen Charlotte has a lot of take home and I will be highlighting a few.

First off, secrets are bad. I believe there is nothing a woman can’t handle provided she has the full knowledge of what’s going on. A lot of heartaches and pain could have been prevented if the young queen was told from the onset about King George’s illness. I get the fear of having to bare your deepest secrets to a stranger with the hope that, it won’t be used against you somehow or, that they won’t reject or walk away from you can be damaging to someone who is already fragile.

Charlotte herself, was impatient and stubborn. It was one of the things that attracted George to her. There were moments such as when she stormed into his observatory and he was dying to share what he knows with her and she pretty much silenced him that I wanted to shake her. I mean the man is just trying to show you venus for crying out loud 🤦‍♀️.

There are times even in our relationships with people, be it romantic or platonic, that our friends or loved ones are trying to pass across an information or share a new discovery with us, we slience them. In our impatience, we miss crucial moments that would have made for a good memory years later. Those kinds of moments can’t be recreated and much later when we think back, we realize what we could have done or said better.

Lady Danbury is a force to be reckoned with. The perfect example of a strong-willed and capable woman who was never given her dues. It’s no surprise that Charlotte found a friend in her.

Reynolds, to me didn’t play a good role. He wasn’t like Brimsley who was not afraid to speak his mind damning the consequences. How could you standby and do nothing as that stupid doctor battered your boss 😭. Oh, he did try to do something and he was beaten for it 😂.

It felt to me that the doctor was just being mean. He loved how powerful doing all those things to poor George made him feel. A whole king was rendered helpless and powerless.

Lord Bute is a brute 🙄 and Princess Augusta was just using her son to stay relevant. I feel like what his grandfather did to him was the genesis of his madness. He was scarred by it and he took to astronomy to escape.

We all deal with trauma from past relationships and are scarred by it’s wounds. However, we eventually learn from them and become more aware of who we are, what we want and what we need. It is at that point that we begin to question the status quo and then take our lives in our hands by making certain decisions.

I didn’t like that the steamy scenes weren’t as steamy as when the Duke of Hastings burned for Daphne or when Anthony made love to Kate in the garden. Of course, the stories can’t all have happy endings. The last scenes were pretty emotional for me and I was able to squeeze a tear or two out. Don’t mind me, I am just a hopeless romantic who hasn’t so far been fortunate with romance.

Lowkey, I learnt that love is a decision you have to make. Of course, it pays that your partner is pretty good in bed, wealthy and royalty too 😅 (just kidding).

Over-all, it was a good watch. I’ll give it a 8/10 not that anyone asked me to rate it 😅😂.

Have you seen the movie yet? If yes, did you enjoy the movie and what are your thoughts? Do you agree with my take or not? Do let me know in the comment section.