After basking In the euphoria of having watched the popularly hyped “Black panther” movie, I can join the majority to say indeed it is worth the hype and I can also recommend it as a must watch for year 2018.

Now, let’s talk about the movie itself and some of the characters depicted. It won’t be a lie if I say virtually all humans have that side we battle with. The side that wants to do good and the side that can’t help but do evil regardless that it wasn’t our motive at the very beginning. So I find myself analysing Erik Kilmonger who I dubbed the “Golden Panther”. I can’t begin to imagine the pain and horror he must have felt when he found his father’s dead body. Left behind in an unfamiliar territory amongst strangers,his resentment grew for the people and country he was yet to visit but whom his father had nothing but good words to say about including the fact that they have the “most beautiful sunrise”.

Erik had been nursing revenge in his heart for a long time and it eventually brought about his downfall. I kept on thinking “what if he had forgiven those involved in his father’s murder? What if he had let go,becoming a bigger person in the process but all those are what ifs? Humans find it hard to let go of past hurts and this keeps weighing us down. We complain of not moving forward, of heartache,of not being able to forgive meanwhile even we ourselves are not perfect.

We hurt people intentionally and sometimes without intent. If only humanity can forgive and let it all go,let it stay in the past and not allow what has happened define your future. You can learn from it,make a conscious decision to be bigger person today and watch all your heartaches disappear. But mehn the guy is hot๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ ignore me please๐Ÿ˜›.

T’challa showed us that part of us that is genuinely good and always struggling to keep our goodness despite the evils we encounter. Even his father told him “you are a good person but sadly good people don’t stay king”. We all know how that played out,he proved his father wrong and even went ahead to change the old ways of doing things. I basically do not blame the people and leadership of Wakanda for choosing to keep what they have to themselves. This strategy has made them survive over the centuries and truth be told if the first world countries had known, what they had deposited in their country,wakanda would probably not even exist anymore. They only wanted to preserve what makes them special and that doesn’t really make them bad maybe selfish but aren’t we all?

Oh before I end this piece,I won’t forget the clown himself๐Ÿ˜‚. I’m talking about “The king of vegetarians”. Too Nigerian but too bad he isn’t Nigerian๐Ÿ˜ and to think I didn’t like him at the beginning but oh well,he went ahead to cracked us up

“I will feed you to my children……..I’m kidding,we are vegetarians”

Are you done?

Well now I am done with this piece and I hope you like it๐Ÿ˜‰.

My First Erotica Attempt 2

Deola pondered on his question and made up her mind to go with him despite the little voice that kept telling her to go back to the office. I will go with you she told Deolu, together they got into the car and drove to his apartment.

Woah!!! Was the first thing she said when she got into his place. So tastefully furnished and the overall effect was calming and welcoming. What do u do? she asked him. Well I am an architect and a part-time interior decorator Deolu replied. Hmmm!no wonder,your home is beautiful. They both stared at each other each lost in thoughts. Follow me,let me show u where u will be spending the night. It actually belongs to my younger sister who is a student at unilag. Feel free to search through her wardrobe for something that fits,dinner will be ready in 30mins. Trust you will be done by then he asked? She nodded and muttered thanks as she took a step into the room. She immediately went about the business of taking off her clothes as she was itchy already. Wet clothes does that to her,she went straight into the bathroom to take a shower and didn’t take too long before she stepped out. She rummaged through the wardrobe for likely things to wear,eventually she settled on a pair of joggers and spag top.

She found him in the kitchen frying chicken and what a sight it was. He looked so handsome with the apron tied around him and she couldn’t help but wish he was hers. She was so lost in her thoughts that she wasn’t aware that he had moved closer to her. The closeness was too much for comfort and as she tried to move away,she bumped Into the table behind her and yelped out with pain. He was beside her in a minute,asking where it hurts. Her boobs were all in his face and he couldn’t help but stare,he was so tempted to put his hands on them and the thoughts of those babies in his mouth gave him a hard on. Oh boy,calm down. We don’t want anyone giving us the rape name here,she is just here for the night he thought to himself. After ascertaining that she was fine,he helped her to the dinning where the table had already been set for two.

Dinner consisted of plantain and fried eggs with chicken and while they helped themselves,they indulged in small talks till the dinner was almost over. He popped open a bottle of wine and she asked what they were celebrating. Deolu told her he just landed a juicy contract that day, and was actually on his way home to celebrate with a couple of his friends he had the intentions of inviting over before he ran into her on the bridge.

“Oh that’s lovely” congratulations. Well thank you, let me pour u some and as she lifted her glass up,he miscalculated and “mistakenly poured some on her boobs”. She didn’t know what to say as he kept on apologizing. He quickly dashed to the kitchen to get a napkin to use clean up the mess he made. He offered to help her clean it and went ahead to rub the napkin against the wetness on her top which had already glued the top to her boobs. Her nipples were so prominent that he couldn’t help but use the napkin to rub them.

A moan escaped her lips and it was like a sound from heaven. He kept on rubbing on her nipples which was elicit lovely sounds from her lips. Just as he was about to replace the napkin with his lips,the doorbell rang.

Oh fuck!!! Who could that be……

To be continued๐Ÿ˜‰


Uniqueness is something we all have deposited in us. It just takes a little bit of soul searching and digging in order to bring out that unique side of you. We also have bundles of raw undiscovered talents deposited within us,waiting to burst out. We we ourselves are the showstoppers,too afraid to try,afraid to fail.

I remember a lot of tasks I was given to do,I had no idea how I was going to go about it and it had to be done. So I started from somewhere, and voila I finished!!!. It might not be a masterpiece and a few corrections were made to it but I know for sure that when next I am to do the same task,I will most definitely be more equipped to handle it.

See that’s the beauty in trying,you just have to try and though u may fail,just see it as you doing a task in different ways and u will be amazed at the results and experience you will amaze. So get out of your thinking mood and “Just Do”. The more you think about it,the less you are likely to attempt it.

I do hope someone feels motivated with all these๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜Š. Do have a nice day๐Ÿ˜‰

Nigerian Mothers

“Hello everybody,something just happened right now” in Lasisi elenu’s voice. I was sitting in the parlour(like Nigerians like to call the sitting room) watching PST E.A Adeboye(ehn first Holy Ghost Friday of the year) when my mom came back from the room after a long call she was receiving from a cousin of hers.

She gave the gist of what they were talking about and from nowhere I heard “ehn ni gbawo le ma mu oko wale” to translate in English “when will I bring home a husband”. I was flabbergasted,then i recovered after which I closed my mouth so fly won’t enter it๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜œ. I told her I was not even done with NYSC service,u are already asking for husband. In my head,I was asking her that she didn’t even askย  about my plans after NYSC or if I want to do my masters. Na wa for Nigerian mothers ooo,no chill at all.

Sadly this the case in almost every home with the children most especially the female and i feel there is more to life than marriage. Don’t get me wrong,I do want to get married and for the right reasons not cos parents and extended FAM are putting pressure on me. For God sakes, a lot of women are accomplishing great feats with their lives. My head is buzzing with ideas of what I can do,I feel like an underachiever yet they feel the next thing is marriage. I feel like my mates are doing so much out there,while i have done nothing. The paparazzi’s and effizzies they display at the wedding reception these days ehn, is something to write home about,then few months later they start having issues. Shebi its one bride that’s calling out her designer and Mercy Aigbe over reception dress on social media๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. To say the truth,the designer no try at all and she just spoilt her career for nothing, oh well let me not deviate from my rant.

Dear parents,please bear in mind that we have dreams and goals we would like to accomplish if only u give us the chance to do so and not bring up husband issue at any chance you get๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’.

Thank you

Yours sincerely Nigerian children especially the females๐Ÿ˜Š.

My First Erotica Attempt

Deola left the office in a bad mood due to her boss’s roving eyes and harassment on her person. He spanked her ass just as she turned to leave his office after dropping off the file he requested for. It was a knock that interrupted the slap she was about to give him that would have rearranged his face. “I don’t care if I loose my job” she thought to herself as she walked out of his office to get her bag and laptop from her desk.

Her drive down to Ikeja where her home is located was interrupted by the sound her car was making and of all places to stop “the third mainland bridge” she screamed in her head.How do I get this car fixed here by this time of the day. She got down to open her bonnet,looked to see what she could do. She was clueless,she has always been this “women don’t fix cars kind of person”. Suddenly she heard thunder and before she could say Jack Robinson,it started pouring like mad and within minutes she was drenched down to her panties.
She stood by her car trying to figure out the next plan of action,when a range rover stopped by her side. “Anything the problem” says the deep and rich baritone voice. Immediately she felt her pussy flood with wetness,oh damn that voice. He got down with an umbrella and came around to her side to see what he can do to help this pretty little seductress whose nipples were visible through her already wet top. It was like she wasn’t putting on bra and those nipples were doing a number on him and she wasn’t even aware. Damn,those titties and what i would do to them if i get the chance. “Oya calm down,let’s access what’s going on Deolu thought to himself”. After accessing the components of the car,he turned to her and told her there was nothing they could do at that moment. Deolu offered to call his mechanic,why he drop her off at her place. She could hardly hear what he was saying as her mind was busy conjuring steamy images of this dude ramming his dick Into her pussy in her favourite position. “What is wrong with me” she thought to herself when he tapped her. He repeated what he said while trying to keep his eyes on her face and not her boobs that were beckoning to him. Deola told him to hold on while she picked her bag and laptop and also lock the car.

They both got into the car and he asked for directions to her place. Turns out he stays on the same street as hers,the surprised look on deolu’s face was something else and they both wondered why they had never crossed paths.

Deolu dropped her in front of her house which was a yellow bungalow few houses to his,they both alighted and he pulled the umbrella over her head as it was still raining. She got to her door and searched her bags for the keys,it was then it dawned on her that she left them inside her drawer at work. “Oh shit” she said,what’s wrong says Deolu. I forgot my keys at work and he was like oh well, do u mind coming to my place then?

Watch out for part two๐Ÿ˜œ

New year resolution

Its that time of the year again,where everyone jets down to be with their family. Old differences are laid to rest for the sake of the festive period and there is unity amongst all for a while till we all go back to our spaces. The huge chicken laps we all have to battle with, the smell of jollof rice in the neighborhood, the outings,the cash giving by big uncles and aunties. All these activities planned and executed in one week and then the final one we all wait for,the new year which also ushers in the new year resolution.

I for one feel its overrated,the new year resolution is just a list of dos and don’ts that ought to guide ones life for the new year but sadly that’s not the case. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I know for sure that once I make that list,I most definitely won’t go through with it. So why do people make up lists like “no more smoking,no more fornication,etc but barely few hours into the new year they are back to their vomits like dog.

I have learnt to stop writing new year resolutions rather I write goals I intend to fully commit and smash the living day out of๐Ÿ˜Š.

Crush,like,love…whats the difference?

There is this one guy I like and wish he had just look my way.

Few days ago, he approached me at the LGI’s office and boy was I happy. From that moment, I began to always looking forward to seeing him.

We had another encounter that lead to him asking for my digits, I was happy to give it to him. I thought the long talks will kick off immediately,but it didn’t. Not until three weeks later when I took the bulls by the horn and gave him a call. It rang and rang but no one picked. I thought to myself “well he might be busy,he will call back when he sees the missed calls”.

You got it right,he did call back,and the day after. The kind of vibes I got from the conversations we had, made me sort of realize that he likes me too. He likes me๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜€, yay!!! I could scream from a mountain top if I can yeah, but there is a small issue. He isn’t over his ex yet.

Sounds like a guy who would give his all don’t you think? I really don’t want to be someone’s rebound,and he barely has my time these days self. What’s giving me the impression that he wants to date me?

I feel like i’m forcing myself on him with the way I constantly hound him with calls. Don’t blame me though,each time I have the urge to hear his voice(which come often these days๐Ÿ˜”) I pick up my phone to dial his no.

My crush is becoming more than a crush,how do i stop it?

I don’t want to get my heartbroken and at the same time I want to go through with this. This kind of contradictory feeling ehn, i am not understanding?

Regardless, where ever it leads,I am choosing to be positive.



A snake penetrated into a carpentry workshop. As it slipped, it passed over a saw and got slightly wounded. Suddenly, it turned and bit the saw, and biting the saw, the snake seriously got wounded in its mouth! Then not understanding what was happening and thinking that the saw was attacking “him,” it decided to roll around the saw to suffocate it with all its body by squeezing it with all its strength, but it ended up being killed by the saw!!!
*Sometimes we react in anger to hurt those who have harmed us, but we realize after all that we are being hurt ourselves*.
*In life it is better sometimes to ignore situations, ignore people, ignore their behaviors, their words.*
*Sometimes it is better not to react so as not to suffer consequences that can sometimes be deadly or harmful.*
*Do not let hate take over your life because love is stronger than anything.*
Be wise and live healthy. God bless you all.

Post not written by me,but its words speaks directly to me and i am sure you all can relate. We have all been in situations where we wish we had the foresight to let it go,ignore and all. I know it can be hard to ignore but with discipline,trust me you can do it.

Lets save ourselves from the unnecessary heartaches stuffs like these brings.


I used to think i am weird, but these days i find loads and loads of people doing the same things i do. I do not find it hard to cut myself off from any kind ofย  relationship whatsoever. Do not feel guilty at all for doing these,it simply just means you have reached your threshold with these people.

I would be fooling myself if i say i have been able to cut off all those i want to,there are a few family members i wish i can just delete from my life but i just can’t. Maybe its the stage i am in right now,maybe i understand that there is pain in love. But for whatever reason it might be,it keeps them in my life for now. ‘.Just for now’


Hello and welcome to my world. Join me on this beautiful journey of art where i write on everything and anything.

It would be nice if you can invite your friends to join us. Lets learn together,remember its more fun when we are a team๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Š.