10 tips to help a reformed toxic person improve his/her relationships.

1. We all have our bullshits which is why you should listen when your partner calls you out on them. Own it and apologize genuinely then make efforts to change.

2. When your partner says you hurt them, acknowledge, listen, apologise and resolve it. Don’t try to form “i am hurt too” and when they hurt you too, tell them in a peaceful and non-confrontational way.

3. Silent treatment does more harm good. If you are too angry to speak, communicate and let them know i.e babe i am too pissed right now, i will like to be left alone for a while. I’ll let you know when i am calm to have a discussion.

4. Learn to control your temper.

5. Don’t try to shove your beliefs down your partner’s throat.

6. Be kind to them especially when they are emotionally down/low. Encourage them.

7. Express yourself period! No one is a mind reader.

8. Accept that your partner will be smarter/stronger than you in some areas. Use their strength to your advantage and vice versa.

9. Learn to say sorry and mean it. Be emotionally intelligent and invest in your partner’s well being.

10. Don’t compare your relationship with others. Tend your own garden(mind your business) because no relationship /marriage is like yours. Take the good you see from others and implement them in yours.

Majorly date nights are very much important. Try out new things together, travel the world, talk about each other’s fears and dreams, gossip about your friends, random kisses, bum slaps, share funny stuffs with each other(could be sexually, could be educative etc).

On a finally note, be open minded, it aids SPONTANEITY!!!

Published by

Vivian Adebowale

well I am a story still being written

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