
Walking down the street was a lone figure of a lady with moderate backside(if she was walking in the afternoon,then she probably would have heard guys catcall ukwu😊😜) . Why was she walking alone by this time of the night the observer thought to himself.. Hmmm, must be some heavy thinking she is doing for her not to have taken caution. Well what’s my own,I have my own palava jare. Ki olori a ra e, di ori e mu(let each one hold his/her own).

There I was walking down the street,dejected and lost in thought. I am having a conversation with the Holy Trinity😂😂😂😂. You must be thinking that I am running mad. Oh well,I am not. Just talking to myself,my conscience (the good and bad). So there you have it,the Holy trinity 😝. What’s the topic up for debate? I am debating with myself about self love. I am of the school of thought that if you truly love yourself then you will understand what its like to love others and also, not take shit from then when they are taking you for granted and all.

Its quite understandable that no one is perfect and honestly speaking, perfection is over rated😒. So what is the self love everyone is yelping about. The dictionary meaning for self love is “regard for one’s own well being and happiness”. Another dictionary meaning says “the instinct by which one’s actions are directed to the promotion of one’s own welfare or well-being, especially an excessive regard for one’s own advantage“.

Loving oneself and deciding to choose yourself over bullshits doesn’t mean you are selfish. It simply means you are looking out for you,no one’s going to have your back the way you would. People can only try but they probably won’t measure up.

It is in the course of loving yourself you can truly love others. To love yourself, you first need to discover who you are? What works for you and what makes you happy. Bare in mind that happiness begins from the inside before it radiates out. If you don’t know what makes you happy or can’t make yourself happy then how do u expect someone else to do that job.

On a parting note,know thyself first. Discover who you are,Love thyself first despite the flaws you have. Only then can you truly and wholly love others.

Published by

Vivian Adebowale

well I am a story still being written

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