Charlotte: A Queen and more…

It’s been a while since I last wrote anything by hand (although I am technically writing now, just not with a pen).

I have exams starting on monday, but with the release of Queen Charlotte:A Bridgerton story, I couldn’t resist not watching it immediately and oh boy, am I glad I did.

The love story of Queen Charlotte has a lot of take home and I will be highlighting a few.

First off, secrets are bad. I believe there is nothing a woman can’t handle provided she has the full knowledge of what’s going on. A lot of heartaches and pain could have been prevented if the young queen was told from the onset about King George’s illness. I get the fear of having to bare your deepest secrets to a stranger with the hope that, it won’t be used against you somehow or, that they won’t reject or walk away from you can be damaging to someone who is already fragile.

Charlotte herself, was impatient and stubborn. It was one of the things that attracted George to her. There were moments such as when she stormed into his observatory and he was dying to share what he knows with her and she pretty much silenced him that I wanted to shake her. I mean the man is just trying to show you venus for crying out loud 🤦‍♀️.

There are times even in our relationships with people, be it romantic or platonic, that our friends or loved ones are trying to pass across an information or share a new discovery with us, we slience them. In our impatience, we miss crucial moments that would have made for a good memory years later. Those kinds of moments can’t be recreated and much later when we think back, we realize what we could have done or said better.

Lady Danbury is a force to be reckoned with. The perfect example of a strong-willed and capable woman who was never given her dues. It’s no surprise that Charlotte found a friend in her.

Reynolds, to me didn’t play a good role. He wasn’t like Brimsley who was not afraid to speak his mind damning the consequences. How could you standby and do nothing as that stupid doctor battered your boss 😭. Oh, he did try to do something and he was beaten for it 😂.

It felt to me that the doctor was just being mean. He loved how powerful doing all those things to poor George made him feel. A whole king was rendered helpless and powerless.

Lord Bute is a brute 🙄 and Princess Augusta was just using her son to stay relevant. I feel like what his grandfather did to him was the genesis of his madness. He was scarred by it and he took to astronomy to escape.

We all deal with trauma from past relationships and are scarred by it’s wounds. However, we eventually learn from them and become more aware of who we are, what we want and what we need. It is at that point that we begin to question the status quo and then take our lives in our hands by making certain decisions.

I didn’t like that the steamy scenes weren’t as steamy as when the Duke of Hastings burned for Daphne or when Anthony made love to Kate in the garden. Of course, the stories can’t all have happy endings. The last scenes were pretty emotional for me and I was able to squeeze a tear or two out. Don’t mind me, I am just a hopeless romantic who hasn’t so far been fortunate with romance.

Lowkey, I learnt that love is a decision you have to make. Of course, it pays that your partner is pretty good in bed, wealthy and royalty too 😅 (just kidding).

Over-all, it was a good watch. I’ll give it a 8/10 not that anyone asked me to rate it 😅😂.

Have you seen the movie yet? If yes, did you enjoy the movie and what are your thoughts? Do you agree with my take or not? Do let me know in the comment section.


Steph watched this incredible tall hunk of a man walk into sidewalk bar and restaurant and fell head over heels in love or lust 😂😂.

Anyone is fine. “As long as our body will be intertwine tonight” she thought to herself.

Working as a broker in one of the top companies in Lagos rarely allow me explore and chop the head of my life like my bestie Viv usually say.

“You don’t let your hair down. You are always buried neck deep in work.

“Live Steph!”

This is one of many things she usually say to me . And to get her off my back, I found myself craving in when she suggested we hit sidewalk after work.

Shoot that reminds me, the bitch is running late. Trust Viv to be late for everything. Pretty sure she will get to her wedding late, I find myself thinking.

What’s amusing this one.

I looked up to see the bitch looking down at me.

You are late as usual and this means the bills are on you. I told her as I took in her look.

Dressed in a pink culottes trousers, paired with a black top. Viv is dashing as always.

Never to be cut unfresh, this one.

“I wonder where she got her impeccable sense of style from” I thought to myself .

“Pls don’t give me that jhoor” she said while pulling out a chair to seat.

I signaled the waitress, placed an order for energy drink with lime and ice. Viv asked for a bottle of beer and proceeded to gist me about her current boo.

While we waited for our drinks, we continued gisting and gossiping about everyone at the bar. The waitress brought our drinks and there was a lull in the conversation.

As I look around to pick the victim of our next gossip segment, my eyes crossed with the tall hunk man and damn, I felt the atmosphere change.

Viv continued talking but I swear, I couldn’t hear a thing she was saying. I had my gaze fixed on him and his on me.

At this point, it was as if we were having a conversation with our eyes. I know I was, and the conversation got more interesting the longer the stare lasted.

Once in a while, my eyes would go down to his lips and back to his eyes.

He noticed and licked his lips.

Damn! It was as if someone just turned up the heat in this place.

Abi, can someone explain why I’m burning up all of a sudden?

I stood up and walked outside, heaven knows I needed the air. While I was outside still reminiscing about what just happened, I felt a warm soft palm rest on my waist.

I turned to see who it was, and, behold there he was, looking at me.

He said “hi” with a very soft tone, you know that type that practically makes you loose your home training.

I replied “hi” with a huge smile on my face like a child that has just been handed a box of chocolate, he could literally see the blush on my face.

He smiled and said, how was your day, I can see you’re stressed. I looked at him and said “ you have no idea.

He smiled again and said “I do actually”!.

How about we strike a deal? He added while staring deep into my eyes.

He said “I know we just met , but I’m of the opinion that I can help ease your stress”.

“How“? I find myself asking .

“A massage will do the trick of easing the stress” He then proceeded to say.

“How about we just leave here, get a place, we get high and I give you the massage if you are up for it”.

I swear I’m really good at that. I mean it’s Friday, not like you’re going to work tomorrow”

He sounded convincing and deep down, I was thinking along the line like “please just take me already” but then again a girl got to make you work the work first.

So I said “I don’t think we should do that. I mean we just met”

He smiled and said I totally understand, but the thing is “I can’t stand the fact that you’re stressed, it makes me sad”.

After few bantering ,I agreed to go with him but first let me talk to my friend. I told him.

So I walked back to where Viv was, and I could tell she knew something was up.

That guy came to meet you ba?

She asked

“What guy”! I asked her.

Ah ahan, why re you playing dumb now. The cute tall guy whose eyes has been drilling holes into yours.

I couldn’t stop the blush that crept into my cheek.

Okay, I admit. He came to meet me outside and we are ditching this place for a serene environment to get to know each other better. I find myself explaining to her.

Go girl! Let him hit that p right oo.

This girl! You are incorrigible. What’s giving you the impression that something like that will go down?

Trust me babe, with the way that guy has been drilling holes into you with his eyes, it’s definitely going down.

You sha know where to meet me when ya done and babe don’t forget to use C.

I rolled my eyes at her and picked up my bag and car keys.

We got to the hotel, he ordered for a bottle of wine and asked if I smoke. I don’t, but I wouldn’t mind trying. I replied.

He rolled up a joint, took a puff and passed it to me. I took a puff and ended up coughing.

“Sorry oo novice, but don’t worry. You will soon get a hang of it.”he said while he patted my back.

After the third drag, it felt like I was becoming a pro.

We both took turns in dragging and puffing while we get drowned in the bottle of wine.

A couple minutes after, I stood up, went to the bathroom to take a shower. When I was done bathing, he went into the bathroom to have a shower too,and when he was done, he brought out his laptop to set the mood with good music.

Kranuim was the first song on the playlist. I swear this guy knows how to trip a lady.

He came to join me in bed. “Turn over” he said. I am about to give you the massage I promised.

I turned faced down, and immediately felt his hands on my back. He started from my shoulders,massaging my back down to my waist almost touching my ass. He then asked “do you mind” and I replied “no, I dont” he then took off my panties, so he could also massage my ass.

After a couple of good massage section, he whispered in my hear, how about we spice things up?

He must have seen the look on my face because the next thing he said was “we are not having sex”.

I replied with “who said we are having sex” under my breath but he heard me.

I’m talking about giving you head jhoor”

Oya now, that one self no bad. I said okay.

He flipped me over, started kissing my thighs, while making his way down. The moment he kissed my clit, “oh heavens” I felt the kind of rush I’ve never felt.

Damn!!! The boy is good.

I mean a couple of minutes into this, I was already exploding with orgasm. One I rarely never have, and it felt so damn good.

When he realized I already had an orgasm, he stopped, rolled to the other side of the bed, with a smile on his face, like he just won a lottery ticket.

I looked at him, smiled and said in a breathy tone “that was good”.

I mean when did you realise you’re this good? I found myself asking while drawing invincible circles on his chest.

He said “I’ve always been this good”.

I rolled my eyes and said out loud for him to hear “proud much”.

I wanted more. So I asked, do you have protection and he said yes. I could detect the excitement in his voice.

Go get it! You just unleash the beast and its time you tame it. I told him.

You know what happened next now, no need to long story. Fill in the blanks yourself and bear in mind that it was an all night long session.

As I sneaked out of his his hotel rom in a pair of joggers and white t-shirt, I knew this was about to be a regular thingy.

With a smile on my face, I drove out of the hotel compound.This motherfucking bitch is sated at the moment.

5 Relationship Resolutions to Help Start Off the New Year More Deeply in Love

A new year is once again here , and of course during the Christmas festivities, there were a lot of hooking and breaking up. My condolences to those relationships that didn’t last till the new year, get ready for a new one or better still take the time to heal.

This article is for those whose relationship survived, and are about to begin another year together (mad oh!).

Your New Year’s resolution can be a group effort! I like the idea of setting goals as a couple, whether it’s trying out a new recipe, visiting new places together, or working on your communication skills.

1. No one is perfect, but sometimes it seems like we are always demanding perfection. In the New Year, it would be nice to remember that perfection is not possible and to appreciate the imperfections of your other half.

2. Be Faithful. Faithfulness is one thing 90% of all relationships lack in this generation. People are more interested in flexing with other people who aren’t their partner all in the name of being woke. In the new year, make it a resolution to be faithful in your relationship.

3. Learn new things together. Come up with a tag line for the year( i.e growth). Look for books in that area and read together. Afterwards have discussions about what you both have read. Of course your perspective is bound to be quite different from his and that’s the whole point. Learning to see things from each other’s point of view.

4. Explore!!!
Discover new places, uncover your sexuality, spice up your bedmatic skills😂 .

Learn to cook/make your favorite foods. Go out on dates, learn new ways to show how much you care about your partner.

5. No ghosting!!!
People who do this are the worst. You may think you are sparing their feelings by ghosting them but that’s really not the case because you end up hurting them. Telling them point blank that it’s over may hurt them at that point and they will surely get over it faster than you ghosting on them.

Most importantly learn the act of self discipline because without it, you can’t accomplish what you have set out to do.
Feel free to add more to this list in the comment section 😁

The 10 types of Xmas Romance we have all experienced.

It’s the season of love and the “I just got back” (IJGB) are back in town or still on their way. The regular guys you see daily don’t appeal to you anymore and you just want to have a little romance and if it leads to something serious and lasting, oh well you are up for the game.

Holiday romances are fun, often commitment free, and will definitely give you something a bit more memorable to remember as the year roll by.

And even if it goes terribly wrong, no worries, because you never have to see them again.

1. The one-night stand

Ah, the classic and most common form of a holiday romance.

For the clubbers, you lock eyes across some sort of badly lit dance floor, and after a few attempts at dancing, you find yourself inviting this stranger back to your hotel/house or even following him to his to continue the festivities.

They’ll either have disappeared by the morning, or you will have to sit through an awkward breakfast with them and in the case of girls, some might even move in with you(guy)😂.

2. The desperate one

You didn’t even fancy this person, but as all your mates had all coupled up, you somehow managed to find someone too.

You end up having a few kisses, and then it gets too much and you have to put an end to it. You pretend to feel sick, and make a quick exit. (Smart move)

3. The flirtation

This one is intense, because nothing actually happens.

Your eyes meet, a few drinks are shared, and a lot of wild flirtation. Brushes of the leg, stroking of hair and whatnot.

But nothing actually comes of it, yet you still classify it as one of the most intense meetings ever.

4. The holiday date

You met someone, you actually get on with the person, so you end up arranging a few holiday dates and doing all the concerts and other outings together.

You’re probably still in touch.

5. The great kisser

This person kissed so passionately, that it made the back of your knees sweat.

The kissing style is like what you see in great romantic scenes, it was so good you felt like you should have paid them for it. But that would be weird.

6. The emotional one

You decided to swap numbers with this one, and after one kiss they are now bombarding you with text messages and getting a little too emotionally attached for your liking.

Don’t be too quick to block immediately.

7. The mistake

Almost everyone is sitting comfortably on this table.

The mistake seemed like a good idea at the time, but then results in some sort of unfortunate STI which could have been avoided if only you practiced abstinence or at least some form of contraceptives.

Don’t fall prey this year.

8. The romantic one

This is the stuff of those old battered romantic novels your jazzy old aunt used to take out of the library or keep in the her drawers.

This person goes all out, buys some gift, gets a few scoops of ice cream and even uses scented candles in setting the bedroom scene for the main action.

Unfortunately they are doing the same with several other people also. In other words japaa, original fuckboy casanova alert

9. The serious one

This is the most dangerous one. It starts out with a kiss, and then it ends up turning into something much serious that neither of you were banking on.

A few months later you find yourself flying back to where you met to spend more time together.

Happy ending loading, possibly a wedding hashtag by the end of the year if you play your cards right😉.

10. The one you forget

Apparently, according to friends you hooked up with someone really cute last night, but you just don’t seem to remember. There is no photo evidence, no numbers exchanged, and you’re not sure if your friends are lying to you.

You make a silent vow to never consume several shots of alcohol ever again nut we know you are lying.

Issokay, you will be alright.

10 tips to help a reformed toxic person improve his/her relationships.

1. We all have our bullshits which is why you should listen when your partner calls you out on them. Own it and apologize genuinely then make efforts to change.

2. When your partner says you hurt them, acknowledge, listen, apologise and resolve it. Don’t try to form “i am hurt too” and when they hurt you too, tell them in a peaceful and non-confrontational way.

3. Silent treatment does more harm good. If you are too angry to speak, communicate and let them know i.e babe i am too pissed right now, i will like to be left alone for a while. I’ll let you know when i am calm to have a discussion.

4. Learn to control your temper.

5. Don’t try to shove your beliefs down your partner’s throat.

6. Be kind to them especially when they are emotionally down/low. Encourage them.

7. Express yourself period! No one is a mind reader.

8. Accept that your partner will be smarter/stronger than you in some areas. Use their strength to your advantage and vice versa.

9. Learn to say sorry and mean it. Be emotionally intelligent and invest in your partner’s well being.

10. Don’t compare your relationship with others. Tend your own garden(mind your business) because no relationship /marriage is like yours. Take the good you see from others and implement them in yours.

Majorly date nights are very much important. Try out new things together, travel the world, talk about each other’s fears and dreams, gossip about your friends, random kisses, bum slaps, share funny stuffs with each other(could be sexually, could be educative etc).

On a finally note, be open minded, it aids SPONTANEITY!!!


Femi has been in a constant state of arousal since he left the house in the morning due to the sexting with his wife.

Gosh no one would ever guess that underneath that calm demeanor she portrays lies a freak. My wife is a pornstar and I am madly in love with her.

Femi met Vivian on twitter and it has been a roller coaster ride for him. Equipped with a mean sense of humor, entrepreneurial, cute smile, calm disposition towards life and a banging body that he literally worships. Who wouldn’t love Vee? All his friends adore her and don’t fail to remind him how lucky he was to have her in his life.

He had a loop-side grin on his face as he walked into his office to pick up his bag and car keys. Its time to put an end to all these teasing. He had every intention to show her who is boss tonight.

He hurried out of his office, got to his car and drove to the coldstone ice cream story which was not so far to his house. Madam was in for a treat tonight because he was about to feast and devour her. She will scream the whole house down and possibly the neighbors will come banging on their door he thought to himself.

He drove into his compound and sent her a quick message that he was home.
Armed with his laptop bag and the paraphernalia he purchased, he struggled to opened the door with his keys.

Honey i am home “he cried out” while trying to lock the door with his keys. After that had been accomplished, he turned around and stood still with his mouth wide open.

For right in front of him stood his wife in a white transparent dress, paired with red heels and he could tell she wasn’t putting on anything underneath.

“Welcome home sweet heart.

Would you like to freshen up before you eat or eat before you freshen up” she asked with a naughty smile on her face.

His eyes took everything in. From her pair of heels up to her V, then her flat tummy, her perky breast which were currently calling out to daddy before he finally looked into her eyes. Without taking his eyes off hers, he walked up to her and slowly grabbed her ass then whispered into her ears “I would like to eat you before i freshen up”

He kissed the nape of her neck slowly, moved to her forehead and finally her lips. They were so wet and soft and he adored them.

She moaned as his thumb rubbed on her boobs while his other hand cupped her booty and moved her further into him so she could feel the effect she was having on him.

Without breaking the kiss, she unbuttoned his shirt and placed her hands on his well muscled chest then slowly began to play with his nipples. The more he circled his thumbs on her nipples, the more she moaned out and repeated the favor for him.

His nipples sre one of his weak spot and tonight he was slowly loosing his mind with desire. He picked her up by placing his hands on her ass and carried her to the dinner table where he placed her gently.
He knew how suckling her boobs like a new born baby drove her wild, so he proceeded to do just that and damn she didn’t disappoint. The moans coming out from those cute lips can make a monk become a man again.

Slowly his hands travelled down to her pussy which was soaked already with her juice. He rubbed his hands slowly in her clitoris and he could feel her buck off the table. He dipped two of his fingers slowly into her and began to finger fuck her while also rubbing her clitoris.

She inched towards his trousers and unzipped it to bring out his dick. The cap was glistening with precum and she couldn’t wait to put him in her mouth but for now she will have to make do with rubbing her hands up and down his shaft which elicited moans from him.

Look at me he told her as he brought out his fingers from her pussy and slowly put them in his mouth. He licked her juice off like it was one of the delicious soup she usually makes.

He spread her legs and slowly brought his tongue to her clit. He flipped her clit with his tongue then slowly proceeded to tongue fuck her like his life depended on it. He left her to go get the ice cream he just remembered he bought earlier on his way home. Slowly, he spread some on her nipples,her navel and her clitoris then took his sweet time to lick the cream off her then continued with his tongue lashing.

He could feel she was getting to the brink of her orgasm and he stopped.
Please baby, don’t stop Vee begged him. He felt like a GOAT in that moment and slowly he rubbed his dick against her clitoris before pushing it into her vagina. He gathered her hands and raised it above her head then began to slowly thrust into her.

God she feels so damn good. I don’t think i can ever get used to this the thought
He released her hands, raised her up from the table and slowly placed her feet to the ground. He spun her around and smacked her ass. He took some of the ice cream and smeared them on her butt checks, then began to lick them off her gorgeous ass. He went for her clit again and began to tongue fuck her again and again and again.

She held on to his head for dear life because this ride was not something she wanted to end quick. She felt her self ascending she couldn’t help but scream as the first waves of her orgasm hit her hard.

Oh oh oh my gawd she screamed.

Slowly he got up, spanked her ass and positioned her for their favorite position doggy. He eased into her haven, placed his hands on her boobs as he went hard at it like a porn star. She held onto the table for the ride because it was a rough one which she enjoyed from the moans emanating from her throat.

The sound of his thighs smacking against hers and her moans were all it took for him to give in to his desire to cum.
Like she knew he was at the brink, she began to push back against him. He watched as her ass bounced off his shiny dick which was coated with her juice.

He couldn’t hold on anymore and he could tell she was about to cum again. So he let go and after a few thrust, he came deep inside her.

After they had gotten their breathe back, she turned and kissed him then said “thank you for the ride darling “.
Now Let’s get you cleaned up and put food in your belly because it’s going to be a very long night as she dragged him upstairs to their bedroom.


After a stressful week I couldn’t wait to get home and soak myself in the bathtub while i reply all my social media messages. I feel like i am practically not living,just existing. Every day its work,work,work including the weekends. Can’t even remember the last time i had sex and Bj has really been complaining a whole lot. By the way BJ is my boyfriend,an entrepreneur who supplies office furnishings to top tier companies. He is loaded and also big down there plus the cheerie on the cake is,he knows how to use and this weekend i will be needing his services ☺️.

Let me tell you a bit about myself. My name is Nkechi,everyone calls me NK. I work as a CFO for one of the top oil and gas companies in Nigeria. I love my job don’t get me wrong,its just that these days I barely have room to do other things not even time to hit the gym. I have the perfect body though,full boobs,height,shapely hips,small waist infact the whole figure 8 thingy everyone is clamouring about😝.

Enough rambling about myself. A client canceled on us which made my boss give us the remaining week and weekend off and in my head right now,i am mapping out my plans for my mini holiday. Bj already promised to come spend the weekend with me,hence a trip to the spa where i went all out including waxing 😝. My hole is literally about to be drilled for oil😂😂.

On getting to my house,my gateman was nowhere to be found and i had to get down to open the gate myself. After driving in,was walking towards the gate to close it when a call came in from my mom. Wetin she want self? I asked no one is particular. I love my mom but she is such a meddlesome and troublesome person infact all the somes u can think of.

While managing to recieve her call,i tried to close the gate then walked back to pack out the groceries bag,my laptop bag and my handbag. Mommy,i don hear you,will come on Saturday. Ok now,take care. I dispatched her as i unlocked my door,took everything in and shut the door. Took the groceries to the kitchen,went to my room and as promised soak myself inside the bath tub with some aromatic and sweet smelling bubble bath soap. While listening to Simi’s album,i went through my social media pages for about 30 mins till hunger pangs drove me out of the tub. I went to my room to wear my favorite sheer nightie then proceeded to the kitchen to warm myself a plate of delicious Singapore rice noodles i got from yin and something,can’t remember the name.

As i sat to eat my food,i got a call from my baby. Where are you dear? He asked me. I am home and about to eat dinner, I replied.

I am in front of your gate but it seems your gateman isn’t at the gate. Oh yeah,he travelled,coming to open up for you i told him. I went to my room to wear my batbrobe then I went to go open the gate for him. After he drove in and locked up his car,he gave me a hug and a peck on the forhead then proceeded to give me a full gist of his day as we made our way into the house. Babes come and eat i said. Don’t worry,i have eaten already,i think a shower is in order he replied. Alright,let me finish up then i’ll come join you i told him. I could hear the sound of thunder I thought to myself. I peep through the window to check the sky then can to the conclusion that it was about rain. Yaay!!!💃💃

The storm grew louder as the raging sounds of rumbling thunders continued, the swooshing sounds of the swirling wind made it seem like the perfect weather for a romantic hook-up in a movie. Just as i got to the room after locking up the doors and windows,I screamed cos i spied a rat run past my leg(when did rat infest my apartment i thought).He flung the doors of the bathroom opened and came running in like a knight in shining armor, only that even as this knight had no armor, he even looked sexier all soapy and wet with his towel hanging precariously on his waist.

He wiped the water off of his face.

“What happened” He asked hastily, his husky voice filled my ears. Water draped from him as he groped for sight to see what was happening as he used the back of his hand to wipe his face. He loosened his towel a bit halfway and wiped his face.

I saw halfway down to the top of dick.

“Nothing” I replied.

“You sure” He said and looked around like he knew why I was screaming.

He stared at me for a while, at first with concern, then that ebbed gradually and escalated into lust, the same lust we shared, the underlying reality of wanting to voraciously devour one another.

He broke the contact first,smiled at me then walked back into the bathroom.

He waited a while before he ran the shower again. I couldn’t stand the tension, the imagination and the thought of him inside of me propelled me forward. I wanted him bad and the feeling was mutual i could tell. I walked into the bathroom, he turned stunned, he wanted to write me off, to ask me to leave but he was also thinking between his legs.

As the cold water bathe my skin, I could feel my nipple even harder, I shuddered and stared at him, he stood still and dumbfounded but I wish I could say same for his dick, his dick gradually became erect, staring confidently at my direction.

I walked towards him and stroked it a bit, the water lubricating the strokes, and my palm moved easily, his dick wasn’t overtly huge but big enough. I knew it had to be enough to do the job, that and he looked like someone who knew his way around female erogenous spots.

He wanted to speak but he couldn’t find words, he stood there and moaned mildly at every stroke.

It was as though the water became even warm. The droplets made way through my legs hitting my vagina. It felt like the first time I had water run down my vagina, I could feel my clits pumping hard, as hard as my heart was in sync with same rhythm.

I knew he wanted me as badly as I wanted him, but he took his time. He kissed my neck down to my chest, then my lips, his right hand picked my left leg up to his waist and his left hand hung my both hands above my head.

He abandoned that a few moments later, his right palm stroked my breast, this time using his thumb to circumvent the nipple edges, purposely avoiding the nipple itself then he stopped and stared at me, he stroked his index finger along my spinal line, I could feel my knee weak and cold.

He stroked my hair and then kissed me again. He let out a mild moan of fulfilling pleasure.

“Fuck me” I said,

“Fuck me hard”

He smiled and I could taste his laugh in my mouth.

He kissed my stomach all the way down to the top of my vagina and he paused, he stared back up at me and smiled again. His smile had a certain feel of voracity about it. Like a predator devouring a prey. He knelt down and raised my left leg above his shoulder and kissed between the thighs.

With his tongue he licked all the way up. He kissed my pussy and paused then looked up and smile.

Gosh, the pressure was much, I moaned even louder and he kissed it again then slid in two of his fingers gently stroking and thrusting slowly, then he breathe on the surface of my vagina before he sank his face in.

He kissed it like he had did my lips, passionately with a little more tongue this time, he kissed on for a few more minutes. I moaned even louder, tapping and pulling his head in even deeper, the pleasure was exhilarating and self-consuming, he gave oral like he was taking a fruit, like if he went any faster it would fall off, he knew when to stop and when to not stop.

If sex was grammatical, he had his sex punctuation perfect, exactly in the right places his concord and tenses. He knew how to make me beg for more.

The words as to how I felt were lacking, all I could say was; “fuck me”, and all he did was smile.

After a while he stood up and kissed my neck, then my ears, he caressed my breasts, sucked the nipple then he turned me facing the tile wall which had a mirror on it.I immediately straddled him, positioning his dick to my wet pussy, i sat down slowly with my eyes closed enjoying every bit of it, when he was all in i started to move up and down slowly, i grabbed one boobs and squeezed as i moved up and down his dick.

I moved up to the top of his dick and sat down back, i did that three more times moaning softly each time, i put my hands on his chest and started to move fast, i bounced on his dick moving really fast,i pinched my nipples with one hand and cried out as i came trashing all over him.

When my orgasm finally slowed down i stood up and looked at him, he was obviously wanting more but i had enough at least for now☺️. We have the whole weekend to ourselves 😉.

The Tailor Chronicles 😝

Knock! Knock! Knock! was the sound i heard that got me running out of my room in a lacy like night wear and i had just a g-string pant underneath it. Who is at the door i called out. Its me Fola,mummy’s tailor. Immediately i heard that deep baritone voice of his,i felt a tingling sensation down there. God this dude is so fineeee,well chiseled body and quite tall. If he were a candy,I probably would be feasting on him every minute of the day.

Let me tell you a little about Fola. He graduated from UI with a 2-1 and after searching the whole of lagos for a job,he finally decided to start his own fashion company and right now he is the bomb as he was so lucky to get a celebrity to wear one of his designs who wrote a remarkable caption on his IG page and gbam! business boomed. He is fond of giving my mom ridiculous discounts or not collecting money at all from her because she was his first customer and she referred a lot of her friends at the ministry to him. Oh well,he rarely collects money from me because he has a crush on me. Caught him several times staring at my ass and a couple of times he has felt them while measuring me. I like to tease him a lot and i hope one day he takes my bait and well maybe today is that day😊.

What are you doing,he asked me. Should I tell him I was about to use my vibrator when he knocked,how will that sound🙄. Lord knows i am so horny right now,its been ages since i had sex and my body doesn’t want to cooperate with me as my nipples are on high alert and i am pretty sure they are visible through the lacy nightie i have on.

Why are you here self i asked? Aren’t you supposed to be at your studio(he likes referring to his shop as a studio or office🙄). I was just about to leave the house when i got a call from mummy asking to come meet you at home to pick up the materials for your cousin’s wedding and to also measure you Fola said. Oya come in nigba yen i said. What do I offer you? Water he said. Take a seat while i go bring it for you then we can get started on measuring me. I took a few steps forward and turned back to ask a question only to catch him staring at my ass which is quite visible cos of the gstring i was putting on.

Fola!!! Idi oni pa e(nyash no go kill you)he laughed at what i said while i went to bring the water he requested for while also stopping by my mom’s room to pick up the materials. Here is your water i said. After take a few swallows,he turned to me and asked if i had any style in mind or I would like to check out some on his phone. Let see the ones you have on your phone i said while i moved behind him. I had my hands on both sides of his shoulders and my boobs where sort of resting on his back. We scrolled through his phone together and if i saw anyone i liked i would move closer and caress his hands then tell him to zoom in on the style. I kept doing this till I finally saw one i wanted then asked him to come measure me. He stood up and came behind the chair where i was standing and started the measurement. While he was measuring my boobs region,he used his fingers to caress my nipples while he placed the tape straight down. Is this too tight or should i loosen it,he asked and i noticed his mouth were directly on the same level with my nipples. I told him to tighten it a bit and just like i knew he would rub my nipples again which he did and i couldn’t help but moan out. Kilo shey e(whats wrong with you) he asked while a smile played around his lips,those kissable lips i thought. Nothing i croaked,he chuckled and said let move to the lower part. He bent down and was on eye level with my crotch and i am pretty sure he could perceive my juice which was flowing already. He went ahead to make a circle like measurement on my tigh and kept raising it up till he was almost touching my pants,next thing i felt were his finger rubbed on my clitoris. Damn!!! I couldn’t stop the moans that came to my lips. He kept rubbing and before i knew it he drop the taperule,dragged me so I could rest on the chair then he pushed my g-string to the side and slipped his fingers in. He started to finger fuck me slowly while i held on the chair like my depends on it, few minutes after he dragged my panties down while i removed my legs so I could be panties free. Then he spread my legs and the next thing I felt where his tongue on my pussy.

Oh gawd!!! Is this a dream i asked myself,because if it is I don’t want to wake up. The sensation i was feeling is quite different,he kept on tongue fucking me and i felt myself nearing the edge. I’m about to cum i said. Oh yeah, i want you to cum all over my tongue and face. Cum for me baby he said and it was like his words pushed me over the brink cos i felt myself ride that wave of orgasm till the end. He went ahead to lap it all up then came up and kissed me which i returned. He kissed me and I couldn’t help but think that he is such a good kisser while i went ahead to wrap my legs around him. I felt his arousal in between my legs and famn he was rock solid hard😩. I wanted that piece of meat in my mouth so i cut the kiss short,slide down and brought out his dick from the trouser. The head were so pink and his precum was glistening in it.

After admiring for a min,I slowly took his head in my mouth and the sound he made oh gawd made me more wet. I proceeded to take him all in to the shaft then came back up to his head which i licked like a lollipop. I twirled my tongue round it and stuck my tongue in the hole while i also rubbed on his balls. I guess he couldn’t take it anyone as he dragged me to my feet,kissed me briefly then he turned me around, brought my ass out a little and raised up my nightie. He admired my ass for a min,spanked it and we both moan at the same time. I have always wanted to do that he said. Spank me some more i croaked out and he went ahead to do just that while his other hand rubbed on my clitoris slowly.

I want you now i said, i can’t take this torture anymore. He obliged me and positioned himself in between my butt cheeks,hethen slowly slide into me. Oh!!! The first time someone new slide into you is always something you don’t forget easily. Slowly he slide out and in he went again,again and again til he increased the tempo and he was fucking hard and I couldn’t help the moans emanating from my throat.

“You like that?you like that?” He kept on saying while he spanked my butt. Just like that, oh yeah don’t stop i moaned back at him. We were at this position for a few mins before he turned and dragged me to the big chair,then he placed my legs on his shoulder as he proceeded to slide in and out. He was slow at first then he picked up the tempo,the sensations were heightened and i felt my orgasm building up and i felt he was also about to come. I’m cumming, please don’t stop,please don’t stop i kept saying tillorgasm rolled in and then he pulled out and cummed all over my boobs and tummy. He collapsed on the floor exhausted and after a few mins he sat up and asked “how was it”. Fola if i had known it would be like this i would have initiated this a long time ago. I sat up and looked at him,he stood up from where he was and came to sit beside me. You know i have always liked you,i have fantasized about what happened today a couple of times and damn reality is better than fantasy. Can we keep doing this and if other things develop along the line,I don’t mind. I don’t have a girlfriend and i like you a whole lot he said. Am I dreaming,i thought to myself. I slowly pinched myself just to make sure and then i thought who am i to deny such an offer 😊.

With a grin on my face,i turned to him and said “Fola sure we can keep doing this and hope you are ready i said as i drgaged him to my room and slowly pushed him on the bed and i proceeded to show him what I could do with my ass☺️😉.

First Erotica Attempt three

While Deolu stood up to go answer the door, she quickly got up and put back her clothes. “Who is at the door” shouted Deolu, its me Jenny.

Oh my gawd he muttered,(Jenny was a friend and they have a mutual understanding)but we didn’t make plans for the night now he thought to himself. He quietly opened the door to see her drenched like a rat, he had no choice than to let her in. He went back inside to bring a towel for her when Deola stepped out, he did a quick introduction and told jenny to follow him. He took her to the guest room where he gave her some clothes to change into and also told her to meet them in the sitting room whenever she is through.

He went back to the sitting room to meet Deola lying on her back, she sat up immediately and asked who that was. Deolu told her she was his friend and a very good one at that. They kept on making small talks when jenny came back to the sitting room. “What now”she asked. Deolu thought ” oh well since i have two ladies here, let me kill two birds with a stone”. He then went ahead to suggest a game of truth and dare. Oh thats a nice idea jenny said and they both turned to Deola who looked like one who wasn’t so interested. Come on it’s going to be fun, we can get to know each other more Deolu chipped in. Finally she conceded and he went to his kitchen to bring out a bottle of hennesy, an empty bottle and shots glass cup.

He returned to find them both gisting, and he thought in his mind “this is good”. Why are you smiling sheepishly Deola asked. Oh nothing jare he replied her, lets begin the game. So they sat in a circle like form with both girls sitting by his side and the empty coke bottle in their middle.

Who will go first asked jenny, they all kept staring at each other till deolu decided to soin the bottle first and it ended up stopping in front of Deola. He asked her “truth or dare”, she replied with truth. He wondered what question he should ask cos he wanted her to loosen up.

“Whats your most embarrassing moment” he asked her. She started laughing and they both kept staring at her like something was wrong with her. She finally put herself together and said ” my most embarrassing moment is a short story” are you sure you want to listen.

Stories!!! oh i love stories said jenny, we want to hear after all we would all be here together till the morning and its a weekend so go ahead and tell us. Here goes the gist says Adeolu.

I was home during one of my breaks from school,i had no boyfriend then and so i got a vibrator to use anytime i was horny. So that particular Saturday morning, i was picking beans in the sitting room when my younger sister who was (5yrs) at that time came to the sitting and behold she was holding my vibrator in her hands. Up i stood, racing to go collect the tool from her when my Bigmummy (my dad’s elder sister) who came to spend the weekend with us asked what the thing was. I went blank for a moment and then i told her it was a massager , and it could be used to massage any part of the body. Thankfully, she wasn’t that educated so there was no way in hell she could have known it was truly a vibrator. Bigmummy then said, thank God ooo!!! You will help me massage my back later tonight which i ended up doing and that was the last time i used the vib on myself. I had to dispose of it. Jenny couldn’t help laughing and Deolu was also amazed by the story. You know you could have lied to her that the “massager” isn’t yours and the owner was coming to pick it up that very afternoon. I know but at that time I couldn’t think fast at all. They all burst into another round of laughter before jenny said it was enough, they should continue with the game. She spinned the bottle and alas it stopped in front of Deolu. Truth or dare she asked him, dare he replied.

I dare you to make out with Deola for 5 mins. He smiled and said sure thing baby, then he went close to Deola, looked her staight in the eyes before he proceeded to kiss her. The kiss went on and on and Deola couldn’t help the moans coming out of her mouth. He went further to kiss her neck, then went lower towards her breast and bit her nipples through her top. He then proceeded to free one of her boobs out its cage, admired it again for a min before he put his mouth on her nipples and went ahead to suckle her like a child. She couldn’t help but to keep moaning while her hands cradle his head. They were so lost in themselves that they completely forgot about jenny who had already began to touch herself because the scene before her was so arousing to ignore.

The act of Criticizing

There is real power in our words. Power to kill, to bring to life, to nurture, to motivate and inspire but sadly people don’t understand this which is why they abuse it anyhow.

I have learnt overtime that criticism does nothing than breed resentment for even the worst of criminals when criticized will never agree to having done wrong but would rather justify himself.

Criticism is futile because it puts a person on the defensive and usually makes him strive to justify himself. Criticism is dangerous,because it wounds a person’s precious pride, hurts his sense of importance and arouses resentment.

By criticizing, we we do not make lasting changes and often incur resentment.

As much as we thirst for approval, we dread condemnation.

The resentment that criticism engenders can demoralize employees, family members and friends, and still not correct the situation that has been condemned. The secret to the success of adeptly handling people is to “ not speak ill of any man but rather speak all the good you know of that person”.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do. It takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.

A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats little men. Instead of condemning people,try to understand them. Figure out why they do what they do, thats a lot more intriguing than criticism and it breeds sympathy, tolerance and kindness.

“To know all is to forgive all” God himself, does not propose to judge man until the end of his days. So who are you to judge?